Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Musings

This Thanksgiving, we were bombarded with ads from retailers heralding the start of the Christmas season. In fact, many shoppers observed Christmas decorations even before Halloween.

If you are one of those shoppers who camp out in front of your favorite store on Black Friday, more power to you!

I observed Black Friday with my regular tradition.

Years ago, I began making calendars for my family. My father had done quite a bit of detailed research into our family history and I placed as many geneology facts as I could on the appropriate dates.

I also added birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other special events on the calendar.

Above each month, I placed photographs taken through the generations. (Shown at right: my brother David in front of my mother; me in front of my father who is holding my sister Nancy; my sister Susan; my brother John. This was taken in Columbia, Tennessee.)

The calendar was such a big hit the first year that it has become a tradition for me to do them each year.

It takes hours of my time - hours I suppose I could have spent in a tent outside a store.

It takes very little money.

But the result is something my family and extended family keeps for years. And it's a record of our past and our tiny footsteps on this earth.

Do you have any special Christmas giving traditions?